Your 5 Point Commitment

future_voter_2.jpgThanks for signing up and committing to stand up for BC.

Here in Cowichan we will do our part to win.

Winning a possible HST-style citizens initiative on Enbridge will take a citizens army. During this prep phase, that's exactly what we plan to build together. We're asking everyone to make a 5 point commitment, and to achieve these things by May 10 when we'll have a big party to celebrate and regroup:

1. Learn. If you are not totally up to speed on the issues, you'll find good information here. Talking knowledgeably gives us credibility and helps us gain support. Know who's involved and understand what it all means.  Talk it over with your friends or give us a call if you have any questions. 

2. RecruitIt's more fun to do this work with at least one friend, and it also adds to our collective numbers and power. So please ask around and send them our way to sign up and get started too.

3. Flyer. Drop us a line and we'll get you 50 flyers for you to pop in mail boxes around your neighbourhood or to hand out at places where people gather. The purpose is to spread the word and get as many people aware and involved as possible. The more folks know about the issues now, the easier it will be to get their signature if/when we engage in a province-wide citizen's initiative.

4. Communicate. Take at least one action to communicate with a group of people about this campaign and why you are involved. This could be a Facebook post, a letter to the local newspaper, a talk to a class or group you are in, etc. Saying why you personally care is a powerful message and helps motivate others.

5. Report. Success is knowing we've reached out to as many people as possible. We need to keep in touch on where you are dropping flyers, making presentations, or recruiting so we don't cover the same ground twice.

The more of us who do this before May 10, the stronger our citizens army will be so that we are up to the job of a citizens initiative. Thanks again for your commitment. Together we'll get this done.

For more information, flyers and to report back feedback and results please contact Rosalie at onecowichan (@) or at 250-701-3134.
