Michelle Bell

City of Duncan Councillor Candidate

Facebook: Vote Michelle Bell
Twitter: mrsbell40


Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.

A: I am a proud mother of two school aged children and have been in a healthy marriage for 18 years. I served as a City Councillor from 2011 to 2014.  I have a Masters in Leadership and a Bachelor of Social Work.  My interest for politics developed naturally as a16yr advocate for children, youth and families.  I recognized quickly the issues faced by the individuals I work with, are greatly impacted by decisions made from within government.  I am a big picture thinker and I love people.  I find it very rewarding to be an active part of social change.  


Q2. The community survey results placed a high priority on sustainability, in particular on protecting our watersheds, water supply and water quality, as well as on creating a more sustainable local economy. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.

A: Everything water is a high priority!!  I was sadden social health was not included.  We cannot look at any of these issues separately as we are all interconnected.  My approach is holistic. I am very interested in the linking complexities of all aspects of community well being and would describe my approach as a systems approach.  The World Health Organization establishes a health and wellbeing lens to decision making and I would agree this will create the most long term sustainability. I am interested in making decisions that look at all aspects of life; social, environmental, and economic and contribute to creating balanced, positive social change. 


Q3. The survey results indicated citizens want to see more consultation and accountability between elected officials and their constituents. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.

A: I completely agree, this is a very big issue!  The abyss between elected officials and the individuals they serve is growing bigger.  I believe this is due to lack of trust and trust is largely built through accountability.  With a background in communication and passion for systems, this is a particular area of interest.  I will continue to work toward positive policy change around elected officials’ accountability as they should be held to a higher standard.  One attempt was a citizen satisfaction survey collected this year.  Better use of social media, doing more outreach and creating opportunities to be involved.


Q4. What is your position on municipal tax rates and the corresponding level and allocation of services?

A: I believe municipal tax rates and level of service is a very fine balance.  My experience on Council has been that council and staff are always striving to keep the tax rates down and getting creative with resources, grants and community partnerships to increase service levels.  I believe the City of Duncan has done a good job in this area and have a very good long-term plan to prepare for the future.  The local business tax rates are still high and although last term we attempted to reduce the residential/business ratio, we need to continue to look for ways to find balance.


Q5. What is your vision for this area, and how would getting elected help achieve it?

A: Community is the interaction between one another.  Elected officials are tasked with fostering and continuing to improve the culture that is created by the community.  As each community’s needs and desires (culture) are different and always changing, we must get direction directly from the community i.e. what taxes levels vs. service levels needed, areas for improvement and priorities?  I understand the importance of community engagement. My first term was focused on internal communication, as we have to start within our own structures. If re-elected, I will focus on improving external communication and community engagement, positive policy change and local government accountability. 


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