Cowichan Valley School District Trustee Candidate
Facebook: Vote Amy Matamba For School Trustee
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: My name is Amy Matamba. I am passionate about Education and want to be a voice for students, families and communities in the Cowichan Valley. Some may know me as the Music Teacher at Discovery Elementary where I brought the community together yearly for school concerts and developed a fabulous Ukulele and Marimba Program. I also have 4 children who have grown up in our community and public school system and I’m married to Tafadzwa Matamba.
Q2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: With 21 years teaching experience, I have seen many changes in education and our community. I want to be School Trustee to ensure that we are working together and making decisions that consider everyone involved in local education. I believe in Inclusive Leadership where we embrace the diversity of others and see the value in everyone’s voice being heard. On November 15th the public will vote for 7 School Trustees and I want to be one voice on this team. I am positive, open, hard working, courageous and believe in building relationships with trust and respect. I bring this everywhere I go.
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