Klaus Kuhn (acclaimed)
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: I bought my property in 1994 and have lived in Youbou since 2001. Aarea I has had a hard time adjusting to the closure of the Sawmill in 2000. One of the stores has closed down, so has the Elementary School and the Pub. My goal is to help this area grow stronger, grow into a vibrant community. We have everything working for us: the climate, the surroundings, and the nature. What we need it a better economic future. Attracting young people is a priority.
Q2. The community survey results placed a high priority on sustainability, in particular on protecting our watersheds, water supply and water quality, as well as on creating a more sustainable local economy. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.
A: Cowichan Lake is a gem. The water is clean, clear and much of the lake is still relatively undisturbed. I have been actively involved in preserving the beauty of this area. From 2008 to 2011 I was the Area I Director. In 2009 I initiated the founding of the Cowichan Lake and River Stewardship group. The warmer climate has provided us with a challenge. We have a need to store more water in the lake, however, this will affect some of the property owners around the lake. Compromises will have to be made, the status quo is not working.
Q3. The survey results indicated citizens want to see more consultation and accountability between elected officials and their constituents. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.
A: The formation of a Resident’s Association is planned as means to bring the community together and to stay connected throughout my term. I will conduct regular meetings with the people of Area I to find out what their concerns and wishes are. As in the past I will call residents to make sure I am on the right track. A web page will keep people up to date. My phone # is 250 745 6243, My e-mail address is [email protected]. I invite people to contact me.
Q4. What is your position on municipal tax rates and the corresponding level and allocation of services?
A: The discontent among residents in the Cowichan Valley is growing, and rightfully so. Administrative expenses of the CVRD have exceeded the inflation rate for many years. Part of the reason is the fact that the Senior Governments have been shifting responsibilities down to the local level. Another reason is that salaries and management compensation have grown excessively. That has been pointed out in a recent study commissioned by the Provincial Government. There is an obvious message here. The CVRD will have to gain better control of wage and compensation expenses. I will be working towards that.
Q5. What is your vision for this area, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: I am convinced that we can have both, a beautiful environment and a healthy economy. It requires innovation, will power and determination. We will have to re-focus. Some of that is currently being done by the business owners in Lake Cowichan. A spirit of co-operation within the western area of the Cowichan Valley is needed, and I will be part of that. We need to make the outside world more aware of the beauty and the life-style of this area. We have to attract the people that are tired of living in the big cities, fighting traffic.
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