Narrated by David Suzuki and directed by Ian Mauro, Beyond Climate takes viewers beyond the headlines and into the heart of the story of climate change in BC. Shot throughout the province over many years, the collective wisdom and perspectives of Indigenous leaders, local communities, scientists, and policymakers are featured.
Following the local premiere of this highly acclaimed 48-minute film, One Cowichan will host an interactive community discussion with panelists Cara Pike of Climate Access, John Scull of the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative, Paulina Kee of Where Do We Stand and eco-forester Erik Piikkila.
Tuesday July 23 7-9 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
Free event, with yummy snacks provided.
July 23, 2019 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Duncan United Church Heritage Hall
246 Ingram St
Duncan, BC V9L 1W8
Google map and directions
246 Ingram St
Duncan, BC V9L 1W8
Google map and directions