Cowichan Valley School District Trustee Candidate
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: I am a parent of 2 children the youngest being a grade 10 student at Chemainus Secondary. I have worked in community healthcare at VIHA since 1991. I'm running because I have always felt that education is the window to our future and I have witnessed its' erosion over the last decade. We are educating the leaders of tomorrow right now and I'm finding them ill equipped for the task. School closures, crowded classrooms and a system ready to burst at the seams is not close to what we owe them. They deserve more.
Q2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: My vision for SD 79 is one that includes students, educators and parents as equal partners at the table. I believe in advocacy for students, fair and respectful negotiations with teachers and transparency and accountability to parents. Who better to explain the failures in the current system than those people? If elected I am determined to lobby for increased funding, complete a comprehensive audit and search for efficiencies wherever possible. None of this will be at the expense of students. They have paid their dues already.
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