Dana Arthurs

Cowichan Valley School District Trustee Candidate

Website: www.danaarthurs.com


Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.

A: As a lifetime BC resident, a resident of the Cowichan Valley since 1988,  passionate volunteer, and parent of both a Cowichan Secondary School & Lake Cowichan Secondary School graduate, I know the value that public education brings to our community and I am well equipped to serve as your Trustee. As your Trustee I will focus my efforts on the key work of the Board which is improving student achievement.

My history of community involvement includes:
Elected executive member of the District PAC
Elected member of Cowichan Secondary PAC, Alex Aitken PAC, and Lake Cowichan Secondary
Elected Chairperson for the Area I Parks & Recreation
Lake Cowichan Little League Coach
Board member for the BC Council on Admissions & Transfer
Committee member on School District #79 Finance & Budget committee
School District #79 Advisory Committee representative
Participant with the Cultural Connections program


Q2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?

A: The next four years are important in responding to the rapid changes the education system is now facing. Strong and committed local representation is more necessary than ever to ensure that the students of Cowichan continue to have the best opportunities going into the future.

When Elected, Arthurs intends  to concentrate on the three pillars of “Accountability, communication and respect”. “These core values really are the cornerstone of what elected officials need to keep at the forefront of their minds when they represent the public”. Top priorities include: continuing to advocate for Cowichan Secondary Replacement school and a new school in Lake Cowichan to replace the mould ridden AB Greenwell. More funding for a system that is significantly underfunded; working with our district to continue to implement the mission, vision and values.


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