October 24th BC Election – Get Ready to Vote!
We can muse, or complain, about why the government called an election in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, or we can turn our minds and hearts to what really matters to us as a community right now, and ask ourselves what we need to learn about our local candidates – who they are, what they stand for, and what priorities they will advocate for on behalf of Cowichan Valley in the legislature. It’s time to get ready to vote for what matters to our community. As always, each and every vote can make a difference.
What government priorities are you looking for?
We’ve asked One Cowichan supporters to tell us what matters to them in this election. Now we are asking the candidates in the Cowichan Valley and Nanaimo-North Cowichan ridings six questions gleaned from their responses. We’ll post the candidate’s answers, in their own words, on One Cowichan’s website early next week.
Voting in these Covid-19 times
Elections BC says they’re planning for a safe and accessible election. For in-person voting, they are implementing measures such as social distancing, capacity limits, increased cleaning of voting stations, hand sanitizer stations and use of personal protective equipment including masks, gloves and face visors.
There will be seven days of advance voting Oct 15 to Oct 21 and advance voting places will be open from 8 am to 8 pm local time, although not all advance voting places will be open every day. Elections BC will publish information on advance voting places and send out Where to Vote cards.
You can also vote at any district electoral office from the day an election is called to 4 pm on Oct 24. If you haven’t registered before, or your information is out of date, you can register or update when you vote - or you can request a vote-by-mail package from Elections BC by emailing: [email protected] or calling voter services at 1-800-661-
8683. You must return your completed package to the district electoral office before 8 pm Oct 24.
Voting by telephone will be available for those with disabilities or underlying health conditions that prevent them from voting through other means, such as voters in hospitals or long-term care facilities.
Stay tuned for the candidate’s responses, and Get Informed, Get Engaged and on October 24th Get Out and Vote!