Town of Lake Cowichan Candidate
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: I’m a retired Civil Engineer and was a Project Engineer for both Alberta Transportation and the City of Calgary, and prior to retirement in 2002, I was the Materials and Research Engineer for the City of Calgary.
Q2. The community survey results placed a high priority on sustainability, in particular on protecting our watersheds, water supply and water quality, as well as on creating a more sustainable local economy. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.
A: Water is essential for life, however, in the Cowichan district we have a catch 22 situation. Our main industry is forestry related either through pulp or lumber. Formerly, winter rain and snow was retained in and on the forest floor for slow release during the months of April and May. By removing the forest canopy the snow melts faster and the forest floor is subjected to direct sunlight and wind speeding up evaporation.
Raising the level of the weir in Lake Cowichan will give a temporary reprieve but, if global warming continues, legislation to ensure immediate reforestation after clear-cutting is needed.
No tax relieve should be given to forest companies until replanting is done.
Q3. The survey results indicated citizens want to see more consultation and accountability between elected officials and their constituents. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.
A: All decisions made by Councils and other elected official, which may result in higher taxes, should be advertised. Both through the internet and newspapers. Citizens should be given the opportunity to discus and vote on these decision prior to implementation but not through the “alternative approval process”. This process should be banned unless the “status quo” is given preferential treatment, i.o.w. let the people who want the change do the running around.
Q4. What is your position on municipal tax rates and the corresponding level and allocation of services?
A: With the downturn in the economy, tax increases should be held to a minimum and should not exceed the cost of living index. Taxes should only be used to maintain and, where required, replace existing infrastructure. New capital projects should only be constructed if beneficial to the town and/or region and, whenever possible, in cooperation with industry. The construction of traffic safety features such as traffic circles, should be based on traffic volume and/or accident frequency at that location.
Q5. What is your vision for this area, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: I’m running for councillor in the Town of Lake Cowichan and, if elected, my prior obligation would be to the town. However, based on the taxes we pay to the CVRD, I don’t think the residents of the town of Lake Cowichan are getting good value for our dollars.
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