Kate Marsh

Municipality of North Cowichan Candidate

Website: www.katemarsh.ca


Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.

A: Mother of four, grandmother, 38 year Cowichan resident.
2 term Cowichan School Trustee (Kathy Ross)
I facilitate personal and professional development strategies.
I have experience, past the initial learning curve, have the time, skills.

Want to help with implementation of the award winning Climate Action and Energy Plan that addresses GHG emissions and saves residents thousands of dollars, and creates est 600 market jobs by 2050 while preserving our natural assets, reducing  energy costs, (saving citizens thousands annually)  making Cowichan  a place where our kids and grandkids can raise  families because we are thriving with green livable wage jobs.


Q2. The community survey results placed a high priority on sustainability, in particular on protecting our watersheds, water supply and water quality, as well as on creating a more sustainable local economy. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.

A: I  support protecting our water. Local control is important & the province must not download those costs to us.  We need to be sure any growth does not endanger our water supply or quality.  There are many experts out there to educate Council and Council must listen.   It will take a village.  Hence better communication and collaboration, including on affordable housing.  Implementing Climate Action and Energy Plan will help with a sustainable local economy.
NC supports local economy with the capital reserve fund that pays for improvements and the Tax Revitalization By-law which encourages businesses to consider making this their home.


Q3. The survey results indicated citizens want to see more consultation and accountability between elected officials and their constituents. If elected, please describe what your approach would be to those issues.

A:  I pressed for a standing committee resulting in a Communications Plan  focusing on 3 areas:  Issue management; enhanced public engagement; and public awareness and education.  Folks are more than taxpayers but  ideally participating citizens -who help us define  wants,  current and future needs in which must include a healthy, sustainable environment, which is crucial.  Accountability is important, yet no Council knows going in what it is going to face, so promises about  specific taxes are hard to make at the outset outside of a general philosophy of good stewardship.


Q4. What is your position on municipal tax rates and the corresponding level and allocation of services?

A: NC has 8th lowest  taxes of 23 Municipalities on Vancouver Island.  Lowest of 5 Catalyst communities. I feel we get real value in services for our money.   Still, taxes are a burden to many.  8 cents of all taxes collected stay locally. UBCM’s Strong Fiscal Futures document proposes doable ways  to take some  burden off property taxes.  A  change like this makes more sense to me than successive Councils seesawing election to election around the issue of property tax, while they spiral ever higher over time.  Finding efficiencies if possible would be great, while keeping services and assets citizens value.


Q5. What is your vision for this area, and how would getting elected help achieve it?

A: I envision an aware, involved and resilient community, sharing ideas openly and respectfully, and working collaboratively to make our future strong: by better, earlier and more thorough consultation with citizens, Tribes, other local governments and senior governments,  keeping growth in the Urban Containment Boundaries, working to increase affordable housing,  support local food initiatives, getting more than 8 % of the tax pie, since 100% of citizens  (and taxpayers) live in a local place across this country. Every decision our community makes must consider the environment, sustainability and what we are leaving for our children and grandchildren.


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