Cowichan Valley School District Trustee Candidate
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: I have lived in the Cowichan Valley since I was a child. I grew up In Shawnignan Lake and a year ago my husband and I bought our first house in Chemainus. I work at the Clements Centre Society in the Children’s Family Support Program with children and youth with special needs from the ages of 6-18. I have worked at Clements for 7 years and during that time I graduated from the University of Victoria with my Bachelors Degree in Child and Youth Care. During my time at Clements I have built relationships with the children that I work with, and their families, it is because of these relationships I have been able to share with them their struggles and their triumphs. More and more I am noticing that their struggles are to do with the public school system. I believe that this is unnecessary and that because of my insights and relationships in the community I can be a powerful advocate.
Q2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: My vision for the school district is that of a collaborative team. As a trustee I would work hard to develop relationships with many members of the community as I want the atmosphere to be equal and honest. I have great respect for students, educators and parents and I think that they have a lot of insight into what changes need to be made and what do not. I would also advocate and lobby for increased funding and I would hope to increase awareness and participation within the community as the louder our voice, the harder it is to ignore.
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