Cowichan Valley School District Trustee Candidate
Q1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
A: I am an experienced educator of 25 years - teacher, coach, administrator, parent, PAC Chair - in middle, secondary, post-secondary, public and private schools in three provinces. I have lived and worked for the past 14 years in the Cowichan Valley. I have always been a strong advocate for youth and believe my experience in a variety of educational environments could be of assistance to School District 79. As a community volunteer and builder, I have worked closely with schools, not-for-profits, and the Aboriginal community to create opportunities for young people to be successful.
Q2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
A: Over the past number of years some of the district trustees have had difficulty with decision making, cooperation, and abiding by the School Act. I think I can give back to the community by bringing problem solving skills, financial acumen, and creativity to the discussion, to create the best environment for students. A strong public school system is an essential pillar of a healthy community.
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