Petition Letter
Dear Mayor and Council of North Cowichan, Duncan, Ladysmith, and Lake Cowichan, and Chair and Board Members of the CVRD:
I am writing to urge you to make the Cowichan region a climate leader.
Local governments decide whether we continue with more sprawl and more emissions or whether we move to more compact, walkable communities. Land use decisions also affect the amount of carbon we store in our local trees and soils.
Municipalities also heavily influence how ready we are for climate impacts such as droughts, floods, and fires with decisions on local infrastructure.
I therefore urge you to follow other Canadian towns and cities in declaring a "climate emergency" and direct staff to bring you options for stepping up climate action more quickly. Most effective local government actions are already known - it's more a matter of implementing them. There's no time to waste, we must act now.
Yours sincerely,