Candidate for School District Trustee
1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and why you are running.
My name is Roger Chin. My partner and I moved to our house in Maple Bay, not only for its natural beauty and clean living but also for the strong sense of community and the open-minded attitudes like environmental sustainability and self-sufficiency. I've been teaching for 20 years in both public and independent schools, a wonderful opportunity to glean new experiences and new ideas, especially with recent Pro-D on neuroscience and learning. Currently, I teach at St. George's School, and in the summer, New Westminster Secondary School. My decision to run occurred during my involvement with several of the school trustees who were fired in 2011. I have advocated for public education ever since the 2002 cuts to the education budget, which included attending board meetings, and even being interviewed on CTV News.
2. What is your vision for the school district, and how would getting elected help achieve it?
My vision for the district is for "all learners… to develop their individual potential", as stated in the BC School Act. As school trustee, I would advocate for the restoration of funding for better class sizes and classroom support. Working in an independent school, I see how students can pursue their goals despite having special needs, being gifted, or just being different. Working in a public school, I see how the lack of resources and limited programs takes away some of the exuberance in learning. I'd like to see better measurements of student achievement, more than just graduation rates, like annual student surveys that can ask questions like, were you able to take relevant courses for your chosen career and life pursuits? Collaborating with the community in concert with knowledge of modern pedagogy is important for preparing students for their future.