Organizer Training - Weekend of Nov. 23

We’re excited to partner with our friends at the Dogwood Initiative,, and Forest Ethics to put on a series of community organizer trainings, one of which will be in Cowichan over the November 23rd weekend.

Community organizing has been around for a long time, but has recently been updated with new technology to provide a powerful method of building people power that can help win on a variety of progressive causes.

There are about 25 training spaces for the Cowichan session that are filling up quickly. The training is being offered free of charge, but participants will be asked to commit to the full weekend of sessions, as well as to commit to applying the lessons learned in our community afterwards.

Some great outside experts will lead sessions in: using personal narrative for persuasion, campaign design, use of technology in organizing, and team building.

The types of participants sought for the training are those who believe in the power of people coming together and who are willing to be the glue that makes that happen. This means good social skills, an ability to meet people where they are at, and a willingness to get out there and talk to strangers to turn them into friends – and supporters.

If you wish to be considered for a training space, please send a paragraph or two to [email protected] briefly describing your background and why you’d like to participate. We see this training session as a real opportunity to build our collective capacity to make Cowichan a great place to live, work and play.