Thanks to everyone who supported the affordable housing bylaw. It passed by a vote of 11,981 to 9,799.
The question on the ballot: Are you in favour of the Cowichan Valley Regional District adopting "CVRD Bylaw No. 4201 - Cowichan Housing Association Annual Financial Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw, 2018" to provide regional programs and services related to affordable housing and homelessness prevention?
One Cowichan supporters have told us that affordable housing is a major concern in our region. The Cowichan Housing Association (CHA) has been preparing the groundwork to improve affordable housing at all levels of the housing continuum in the Cowichan Region since January 2015, beginning with a focus on the prevention of homelessness. Read the full proposal.
Check out the FAQs prepared by the CVRD.
Authorized by One Cowichan, registered sponsor under LECFA, [email protected]"