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Let's Change Everything

At a recent screening of the new film “This Changes Everything” shown by the local chapter of The Council of Canadians I noticed something very encouraging.  There were not enough chairs. 

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Federal Infrastructure Priority: The Weir

When we woke up on October 20th, we rose to the potential of a new Canada.  Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party surprised many with the strength of their majority and we will now turn the page on the Harper Government.  I was impressed with his speech and with his very positive message of unity.  He made several promises during the marathon campaign and we must now hold him accountable for what he said his government would do in the coming years.

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Guest Blog: Cowichan's Solar Revolution

Don Skeric is a local electrician

A solar revolution has been happening in the Cowichan Valley. It started about one year ago with the first bulk buy of solar photovoltaic modules. This was organized by Peter Nix of Cowichan Carbon Busters fame in co-ordination with Viridian Energy Co-operative. Together we were able to organize the installation of 764 solar modules in different residences around the Valley. Since then hundreds of other panels have been installed.

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