BC Election 2020 - Local Candidate Answers
One Cowichan asked our supporter list what issues matter to them this provincial election. Based on the responses, we asked all six local candidates for the major parties in the Cowichan Valley and Nanaimo-North Cowichan ridings to respond to seven questions. We know there isn’t a perfect political party, so our goal is to focus on our local candidates and provide local voters with information about where those candidates stand on the issues that matter to local people and to inspire and motivate everyone to vote. The candidates’ answers we received are posted here verbatim without commentary. Here are the questions and their answers:
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October 24th BC Election – Get Ready to Vote!
We can muse, or complain, about why the government called an election in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, or we can turn our minds and hearts to what really matters to us as a community right now, and ask ourselves what we need to learn about our local candidates – who they are, what they stand for, and what priorities they will advocate for on behalf of Cowichan Valley in the legislature. It’s time to get ready to vote for what matters to our community. As always, each and every vote can make a difference.
It used to be that it was elected officials who took the high road. Citizens can sometimes say crazy things, but we usually rely on those we elect to rise above that and focus on the issues.
So it’s been a turnabout for us at One Cowichan as we’ve done our best to stick to the high road over the past several months, despite being repeatedly attacked by some CVRD Directors. We’ve tried to stay focused on current climate science and what the CVRD can do to become a leader on reducing emissions within its jurisdiction – after all, other local governments are making progress with comprehensive climate plans even during COVID-19, like Central Saanich and Kamloops.
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