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Is North Cowichan’s Growth Management Survey Luring Us Down an Unsustainable Path?

“How Should We Grow?”, asks the Municipality of North Cowichan. I just completed the North Cowichan Growth Management Survey, which the municipality is asking local citizens to do by June 6th. It’s open to input from anyone who lives in Cowichan Valley.

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Create parks, protect wild places and build a legacy

By David Slade

In 2007 and 2008 a referendum passed by voters in the CVRD created a Parks Acquisition fund to purchase and preserve land throughout the region. The referendum allowed for an annual levy of approximately $5 per $100,000 of property value. A mere $25 per year on a property valued at $500,000. If applied throughout the CVRD, this levy would now raise approximately $1.4 million per year.

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Revisiting the climate emergency - How fast do we need to act?

How fast do we need to reduce greenhouse emissions – locally, provincially and nationally - to do our fair part in responding to the global climate emergency? 

Lately answering the “how fast” question seems to have almost everybody clambering aboard the "net-zero emissions by 2050” train:  governments, big business, investors, even oil, gas and mining companies. The BC NDP even campaigned on it in our recent provincial election.

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